With over 75 years in the print industry, our knowledge is a valuable asset for ensuring top quality print. We provide a total print experience with your requirements managed from start to finish. Our dedicated and friendly sales staff provide a personal service; our representative’s are only a phone call away.
At Johnston Press we are not just limited to offset print. We incorporate a full design service and utilise the latest in digital printing technology to suit your requirements. We have a full pre-press department and a wide range of finishing options, all produced in-house, which offers further value and quality.
Our mission is to consistently provide a superior printing experience to every customer. Our goal is to provide exceptional service, quality print and fast turnaround first time, every time.

At Johnston Press we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and our commitment is applied to every project.
Environmental Impact
Increasing awareness of the environment and climate change has meant that there is a greater movement in making processes environmentally responsible and using resources which are renewable. At Johnston Press we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and our commitment is applied to every project from start to finish.
Offcut Recycling
We source paper with the highest environmental credentials. These include paper that is 100% post consumer waste recycled through to alternative fibre stock. All paper offcuts are stringently recycled.
Reduced chemical use
Machinery is air cleaned wherever possible and water soluble cleaning agents are used to reduce the amount of chemicals needed in our factory. The use of computer to plate technology eliminates the need for film and its developing chemicals while all sealants used are water based.
less VOC's
Vegetable inks which are biodegradable are used in our printing processes, specifically soya bean oil as opposed to mineral oil. The use of vegetable inks has significantly reduced our VOC’s – Volatile Organic Compounds – into the atmosphere. VOC’s are a major source of ozone pollution and are a potential health hazard to our staff.
Power Saving
Increasing awareness of the environment and climate change has meant that there is a greater movement in making processes environmentally responsible and using resources which are renewable. At Johnston Press we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and our commitment is applied to every project from start to finish.
Where we can Johnston Press gives any unused paper and offcuts back to local pre schools and schools.